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  • Writer's pictureKatie Mullaney

Finding & Choosing Joy in Seasons of Life

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

Hi friends!

It's been quite a while, I know. I took a bit of a hiatus from writing. Life has been busy but filling. Let me catch you up!

Since I've last posted and been writing often, I graduated college and started working. It's definitely been a time of transition and change. I'm used to doing school work a majority of the time, participating in clubs and organizations and seeing friends 24/7. While the past few months have consisted of adjusting to a new season, it has been filled with good times, experiences, new passions and excitement for what's ahead.

Recently a friend told me "find joy in the season you're in." This has really stuck with me. We all go through different seasons of life and some are exciting, some are nerve wracking, some great and others not so great. Seasons of life can cause many different emotions especially new ones. It can be difficult when the future is uncertain to think of what joy will look like day to day and in what's to come down the road.

When my friend said that to me, I was in a time of many unknowns and thoughts circling my mind such as where will I work, what will the next year hold, what do I want to do, what if this doesn't work out and more. With new seasons of life this is totally normal. It's common to have questions, fears and doubts and be asking yourself all kinds of things. Even though every season may not be as filled with "sunshine and rainbows" know that it is only temporary, it will pass and joy can be found again.

During this season of change, I have been able to find joy as my friend said and discover what that looks like nowadays. I got back into dancing, am meeting new people, trying new hobbies and looking forward to the small things.

Life can get busy and hectic and it's so important to remind yourself to stop and take a moment and find joy in your every day life. It doesn't have to be huge milestones but it can be small things such as trying a new coffee shop, getting lunch with a friend, getting invited to a party or taking up an interest or passion you have.

Although not every season is the same and change is constant, finding the joy is so so important and helps remind us that although life looks different daily and we don't know what lies ahead, there are pockets of sunshine, good times, smiles and a lot to look forward to. Take things one day at a time and find the joy! Find the joy! Find the joy and choose it daily.

Now there's a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is an outward expression that does not always last. While joy is an inner feeling. Many want joy but are unwilling to take the steps to aim for it. Although we do not get to choose our circumstances, we do get to choose how we handle what happens to us and what lies ahead for our fate.

Proverbs 17:22 reads “a joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Keep this verse in mind when you feel unjoyful and down and know that your spirit and mindset are up to you and a choice you make!

A person pursues happiness but chooses joy.

I encourage you to choose joy and find it in the big and small things, whatever season of life you are in!

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