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  • Writer's pictureKatie Mullaney

Finding Contentment in a Culture of Comparison

One of my favorite quotes is "Comparison is the thief of joy" said by Theodore Roosevelt.

More often than not, I find myself dealing with comparison. Whether it be with friends, family, acquaintances, media figures or people I don't even know. It can be so difficult nowadays in an era of social media, technology, YouTube, the internet and the people around us to compare our lives or our situation with theirs. I know this because it is a daily struggle. But when we think about the effects comparison has on us, it can alter our mood, mindset and ultimately suck the joy and inner piece out of anything. Comparison will kill every. single. time. When we compare, what we are essentially saying to ourselves is that how God made us to be isn't correct and He is wrong. Your plan, your purposes, are not enough. How do you resolve this? How do you deal with conflict? The struggle of comparison? Go find your Heavenly Father. Dig into the Word. He will save, deliver and protect you.

This blog is inspired by one of my favorite bible verses, Psalm 139:14 that says "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." I remind myself of this verse whenever I start to feel discouraged, full of doubt, anxiety, hearing the voice of the enemy or am letting the things of this world get to me. I remind myself of what is said in the Word. Who HE says I am is much greater than the opinions and approval of others and any negative self talk throughout our brains on a daily basis.

Each one of us is FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made. We were made in His image, His likeness and His love. It is my hope that every young woman and man knows this and can confidently walk each day in joy and true comfort seeing themselves as God does.

Every time you find yourself comparing to another, think to yourself: what does God say about me? Who does He say that I am? I encourage each of you to reflect on the way you see yourself and then think about how God views you! Journal, say it aloud, write it on a sticky note. You will be amazed at how much we put ourselves down and how much He lifts us up. Keep constant reminders of the positive and truthful affirmations He says, not what our minds tell us or society and others say that we are. Over time, you can overcome these lies and you will be truly amazed at how your mindset and perspective changes for the better. The only voice that matters is His.

You are:



Daughter of the King.

Son of the King.







You are fearfully and wonderfully made and perfect in all of your ways just as He is!

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